Emotion and Body Code

Holistic Wellness Sessions

What is The Emotion Code?

The Emotion Code is a simple yet powerful energy evolution method, created by Dr. Bradley Nelson, designed to help you find and release the trapped energies that inhabit your body: known as Trapped Emotions that may be limiting your ability to feel love and joy, and to create success. Trapped emotions can also cause depression and anxiety. Due to the stress of these energetic emotions they can block people from happiness and love resulting in them feeling disconnected from others and life.

Because trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they exert an influence on the physical tissues and can cause acute/chronic pain and misalignments. Trapped Emotions are literally like balls of energy, vibrating at different frequencies depending on what the emotion is (for example, Anger is a different vibration than Sadness or Insecurity). Trapped Emotions are negative, destructive vibrations, and tend to affect the body wherever they are stuck, creating pain and malfunction of bodily tissues. Releasing trapped emotions makes conditions right for the body to realign; therefore, physical and emotional difficulties normally disappear or become much more manageable with each session.

How Does a Emotion Code Session Work?

The Emotion Code work is a gentle, non-invasive and a safe approach. Our subconscious mind is an all-knowing computer equipped for ultimate health and happiness. Either in person or via proxy (over the phone, Zoom or by email), with the clients express permission the practitioner connects with the client's energetic field and subconscious. Using the Emotion Code chart, muscle testing and specific questioning, a certified practitioner can follow the guidance of a client's subconscious and identify a trapped emotion. Once identified, a therapeutic magnet is used to demagnetize the energy of the trapped emotion via the Governing Meridian. Not unlike swiping a magnet across the black information strip on the back of a credit card. The trapped emotion is permanently released and the effects can be immediate and are long lasting. Most individuals will be harboring numerous trapped emotions requiring them to be released in layers depending on age and your life-style experiences.

How Will I Feel After the Release?

Most people report a "softer" or "lighter" feeling with a sense of peace wash over them. This can be felt immediately or as a delayed response. Releasing trapped emotions restores balance and thereby enhances your body's innate ability to realign and respond to the daily stressors we all encounter.

Is Happiness and Love a Possibility?

Dr. Nelson discovered humans can only sustain a few heartaches before a protective wall is built around the person's heart. The beauty of removing the heart wall is an endless potential to experience happiness and love. A freed heart experiences the joys of life to greater depths than when trapped within the heart wall.

What is The Body Code?

The Body Code is a system designed by Dr. Bradley Nelson which tests for energetic imbalances in the body, and corrects them energetically. We use muscle testing to test for what the underlying imbalance may be, and release the energies from the meridian system. The Body Code focuses on clearing the imbalances that are represented in the six primary categories: Energies, Circuits & Systems, Toxins, Pathogens, Misalignments, and Nutrition & Lifestyle.

How Does a Body Code Session Work?

The Body Code session is so effective because it helps to find specific problems and removes them. The Body Code is a tool to be used to tap into our subconscious mind to determine what imbalances need to be corrected. This is done by using simple "yes or no" questions to find the imbalance. Similar to a computer, the subconscious mind will record every belief, thought, word or action that has been recorded throughout our lifetime by our input devices. What we see, hear, taste, speak and feel from the moment of conception until now is recorded on this "hard-drive" within our mind.

Our sub-conscious mind programs itself based on the environment in which we receive the input. This is why it is so important to understand that our culture, religion, family history, social environment, community and lifestyle choices are so important in who and what we have become. Once the old programs are released, we can input and reprogram our true "heart desires". Utilizing applied kinesiology we can enter the subconscious through specific wording that will elicit a "yes" or "no" response. The muscles of the body will weaken if the answer is "no" and the muscles of the body will strengthen if the answer is "yes". It is possible to tap into the "programming" of the body to determine if there is an imbalance that can be corrected to change our current life experience to one we want and need.

How is a Body Code Session Done?

Either in person or via proxy (over the phone, Zoom or by email), with the clients express permission the practitioner connects with the client's energetic field and subconscious. Using Body Code charts and simple kinesiology (muscle testing) with binary (yes or no) questions, imbalances are identified and released. The body has a special ability to set aside its own need to serve another, which is why the practitioner can use proxy muscle testing. We are all made of and exist in the same sea of energy, therefore, we can connect via this energy wherever we are. The intention of the practitioner during a session is to serve the highest good of the client. The energetic body and subconscious mind are like a lake. Beneath the surface are hidden Trapped Emotions and other imbalances that can contribute to poor health. When a Trapped Emotion is identified and recognized by the conscious mind, it rises to the surface of the body and the energy is concentrated along the governing meridian. The governing meridian runs from the upper lip, up over the head and down the spine to the tail-bone. To release the trapped emotion the practitioner rolls a magnet down the spine or governing meridian, usually three times. Given that the body is made of electromagnetic energy, the magnet literally pulls the trapped emotion away from the body. Once a particular imbalance is released your body can realign after the processing is complete.

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